At Employ Me we firmly believe that a safe work environment is not just important, it’s crucial!
From our directors down, we recognise that the projects we are involved in often present risks and hazards to our staff and contractors or bystanders involved.
We have always held as a core value compliance with all relevant practices in our day to day operations. We are currently taking this further by going through the process to register as an ISO, ensuring that you know we are serious about making a commitment to maintaining high standards in everything we do.
This process began in late 2017 and will be completed by mid 2018. Knowing the legalities required to meet health and safety obligations under the ISO certifications 9001, 4801 and 1401, we are proud to say to you that we are committed to a safe and successful relationship together into the future.
As part of our practice we endeavour to always;
• Engender a safety conscious culture among our staff through promoting incident reports, risk assessments, establishment of control measures, investigation where required and review of incidents in training
• Ensure all employees are aware of their own obligations regarding health and safety at work
• Provide all required documentation in regard to safety; for example Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), Job Specific SWMS, Job Safety Analysis, relevant work permits, Policies & Procedures, Equipment Specific VOC’s, etc.
• Provide appropriately trained and ticketed staff for the task at hand
• Dedicate time, financial and human resources appropriate to get the task completed safely and on time
• Ensure that any WHS issues are solved promptly and fairly for all involved parties
At the end of the day, many of the projects we are involved in present hazards to all parties, however as an organisation we see it as part of our mission statement to mitigate those risks and ensure the safest possible working environment for our employees and clients.