Log In 2025-01-29T14:05:26+10:00


If you registered with us before, simply log in to update your details.

You can also submit your application below as part of our registration process.



Please ensure all fields are completed and you have pressed the submit button.

    1. Personal Details
    2. Work Details and Medical Info
    3. Tax File Declaration Form
    4. Induction
    5. Agreement
    Please use a laptop or desktop computer with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge for registration
    Personal Details
    CanberraSydneyNewcastle / Central CoastBrisbaneWollongong

    Emergency contact

    Payroll details

    Bank details

    ATO and Superannuation

    I do not have a current superannuation fund and I would like to register with Employ Me’s default superannuation fund.


    By ticking this box I understand I am applying a digital signature and I authorise Employ Me to obtain information from any person concerning my suitability for employment. I further declare that the statements made by me in this application are true, complete and correct. I understand that false or misleading answers to any of the questions stated in this application will be regarded as misconduct and will be considered as grounds for dismissal from employment.

    Personal particulars

    Fluent/WellSome EnglishNot wellNot at all
    Do you have any of the following?
    Please list any other current/valid certificates or qualifications that you hold:
    Work Details & Medical Information

    Upload resume

    Worker’s compensation



    Tax File Declaration Form

    Please complete the details that will appear on your ATO tax file number declaration form.

    Australian residentForeign residentWorking holiday maker

    Tick YES if we are your primary source of income. You may only claim the tax-free threshold from the employer who pays the larger portion of your total salary.


    Welcome to the Employ Me induction section. This training module is part of the registration process and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

    At the end of the module you will be tested on the information.

    This module is designed to provide employees with an understanding of the working environment on various job sites. Safety is essential in any working environment.

    Once you have completed the module, you will be asked 10 questions to assess your knowledge.

    You must also keep your White Card (if applicable) and Asbestos Awareness (if applicable) on you at all times.

    This Induction does not address work health and safety issues and safe work practices specific to a particular workplace or site. A site specific induction will need to be completed PRIOR TO ANY WORK UNDERTAKEN ON THAT SITE.

    The responsible officer is generally the person who has engaged Employ Me for you to do the work, and is your main contact on site.

    Employment Agreement
    ABN 66 164 786 985
    ACN 164 786 985




    (ABN 66 164 786 985) of 8/145 Gladstone Street, Fyshwick in the Australian Capital Territory 2609


    1. Definitions

    1.1 Assignment Term means the period which you are required by EMPLOY ME to perform Services for a Client being an Employment Task. 1.2 Client means the person for whom EMPLOY ME has agreed to provide temporary employment Services. 1.3 EMPLOY ME means the company registered as EMPLOY ME PTY LTD (ABN 66 164 786 985). 1.4 Employment Task means the engagement actually performed during the Assignment Term 1.5 Services mean the Services you are required to perform for the Client during the Assignment Term.

    2. General Agreement

    2.1 EMPLOY ME will pay you in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of this contract. You understand that your salary scale may vary due to the Employment Task undertaken and on experience. 2.2 You understand that when on casual work for EMPLOY ME you are under the direct supervision of EMPLOY ME Client(s) who will define the Employment Task. 2.3 You agree to perform and complete each Employment Task in a competent and timely manner and in accordance with directions given. 2.4 You understand that EMPLOY ME offers you work on a casual basis and is not obliged in any way to offer you regular work. 2.5 You understand that your hourly rate of pay is confidential and you agree not to disclose or discuss the hourly rate with any other employee. 2.6 You will notify Employ Me immediately if you change address details, even if you are no longer working for Employ Me, as this information is required for the forwarding of Payment Summaries/Group Certificates. 2.7 Payment of weekly wages will be paid on the basis of timesheets and will be made by Electronic Funds Transfer to the bank described in the employment details form completed by you. 2.8 You understand that EMPLOY ME has no liability for payment of wages, salary, leave entitlements or otherwise, should EMPLOY ME not have engaged you or for periods where you are not performing any Employment Tasks. 2.9 You understand that you perform work for EMPLOY ME on a casual basis and therefore are paid on an hourly basis. This rate includes casual loading which compensates for benefits of permanent employment including annual leave, redundancy benefits and public holidays not worked. 2.10 Where it is proved that the worker has, at the time of seeking or entering employment in respect of which he claims compensation for an injury, wilfully and falsely represented himself as not having previously suffered from the injury an arbitrator may in the arbitrator’s discretion refuse to award compensation which otherwise would be payable 2.11 An Employers obligation to make superannuation contributions on behalf of employees is governed by the Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act, and is calculated by reference to an employee’s ‘ordinary hours salary or wages’. As governed by the Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act and the Australian Taxation Office; Workers Compensation Payments do not fall within the definition of ‘salary or wages’ and therefore an employer is not required to make contributions to a superannuation fund in respect to any weekly compensation paid to a worker’

    3. Nature of Employment Task

    3.1 You understand that your Employment Tasks might include various responsibilities within the relevant industry and are subject to change as reasonably determined by the needs of the Client and as directed by it. 3.2 EMPLOY ME does not guarantee the duration or length of any Assignment Term offered to you. 3.3 You agree to notify EMPLOY ME if the Client offers you a permanent position, contract or any further Employment Task within twelve (12) months of the completion date of the contract. 3.4 In accordance with any legislative obligations, EMPLOY ME will make superannuation contributions on your behalf. 3.5 You understand that any modern award that may be applicable to your work as a temporary worker for EMPLOY ME does not form part of your contract with EMPLOY ME for any purposes.

    4. Location

    4.1 You will be required to work at various locations within the ACT and NSW. Therefore having transport is a necessity for your job role. 4.2 You must have your own insurance for your vehicle and accept all insurance liabilities as your own. EMPLOY ME and the Client(s) are not liable for your insurance for any purpose.

    5. Work Obligations

    5.1 You undertake: a) to complete your Employment Task to the best of your abilities. This includes being on time to your agreed shift, being dressed according to EMPLOY ME standards and providing exceptional Service to Clients. b) to take reasonable care to ensure that you perform your Employment Task with a standard of skill and competence that can reasonably be expected of someone with your experience and training so that you do not cause injury or damage in the course of performing your work. c) while employed by EMPLOY ME you must not engage in any dealings with any Clients of EMPLOY ME or allow your interests to conflict with those of EMPLOY ME. d) to notify the Client by no later than 9am if you are unable to work on an Employment Task. e) to indemnify EMPLOY ME and to keep EMPLOY ME indemnified from all costs, liabilities, damages or expenses resulting from your negligence. Misconduct or otherwise, including (without limitation) your failure to comply with any terms of this employment agreement whilst you are being employed by Employ Me. f) to observe any policies, rules and regulations including but not limited to those of the Client, EMPLOY ME and Occupational Health and Safety legislation. g) if over or under payments occur due to an administrative error or problem, those errors will be corrected by the negative or positive adjustment of the next pay run as may be appropriate. EMPLOY ME reserves the right to reclaim any amount overpaid in error and you agree that this may be rectified through the deduction of the overpayment in the next weeks pay run. If no such monies are owing to you, you agree to repay the amount immediately unless alternative repayment terms have been agreed upon between you and EMPLOY ME. h) You must provide a 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend your allocated shift. If unable to do so, you will forfeit 14 days worth of wages. Employ Me always provide sufficient amount of notice to our employees and we expect the same in return. i) I agree to reimburse Employ Me or the Client for any damages or loss occurs to tools or property due to the employee’s error or negligence.

    6. Work Hours

    6.1 You understand that your work hours are generally Monday to Friday and can range between 8.00am and 6.00pm. The exact hours of work are to be agreed between you and your supervisor. 6.2 You are allowed a minimum of 30 minutes of lunch throughout a whole working day. You understand that you will not be paid for lunch time taken. 6.3 You understand that any penalty rates, increase or over award payment may be absorbed into higher rate of pay/over award wage payments.

    7. Timesheets

    7.1 You will record your work hours (arrival/departure times) on the Employ Me timesheet honestly and accurately. 7.2 You will ensure that your timesheet is dropped off on Friday afternoon. You understand that no pay can be processed without completed and returned timesheets. 7.3 You understand that if you deliberately falsify your timesheet, this is serious misconduct and your Assignment Term will be terminated immediately. 7.4 You understand that a standard days’ work of 8+ hours will include lunchtime (of no less than 30 minutes and no more than 1 hour) and therefore a 30 minute period will be included/deducted from pay.

    8. Company Policy

    8.1 EMPLOY ME has a strict no alcohol or drug policy. This includes consuming or using drugs before or during your work hours. 8.2 EMPLOY ME is committed to the security and welfare of all its employees. Violence, discrimination, or sexual harassment will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly. We will protect employees who lodge complaints from victimisation.

    9. Governing Law

    9.1 This agreement is governed by the laws of the state or territory of Australia in which you are engaged by EMPLOY ME.

    EMPLOY ME has in place a number of company policies and procedures. You are required to comply with company policy. A failure to comply with these policies may result in termination of your agreement with EMPLOY ME without notice.

    I agree that I have read and accept the Terms of Agreement set out. I understand that I am bound to comply with the terms of this document and agree to follow and abide by all commitments and responsibilities outlined in this document. I fully understand that if I contravene any part of the drug and alcohol terms that I may be subject to instant dismissal and removal from site. I understand that the terms of this agreement between EMPLOY ME and myself supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties in connection with it and contains the entire agreement between the parties.

    I agree that I have read and understand Employ Me’s occupational health and safety manual.

    I confirm that the above information is complete and correct and that any false or misleading information will give my employer the right to terminate my employment without notice.

    I agree that the employer reserves the right to require me to undergo a medical examination.

    I understand that should the employer require further information and wish to contact my doctor with a view to obtaining a medical report, the employer will inform me of their intention and obtain my permission prior to contacting my doctor.

    In addition, I agree that this information will be retained on my personnel file during employment and for up to six years thereafter.

    I confirm that the information given in this form is true, complete and accurate.

    If all information you provide is correct, please click the "SEND" button and wait 4~5 seconds, your application will be sent. Thank you.
